
An eco-friendly campaign for Ohne - an organic sanitary products brand

Tasked by IMA to create a launch campaign for ohne an organic sanitary products brand - I was keen to explore new avenues for advertising, whilst developing existing themes of what I believe to be a strong and established brand identity. 

With a range of product photos, ohne have a cohesive web presence, but I felt limited with this imagery when it came to approaching other formats. Anxious to focus on eco-friendly, print-based media I opted to utilise existing brand colourways to first create a four-colour palette and subsequently a gradient texture which might be applied to a variety of formats.

My decision around formatting was again led by an eco-friendly objective. Conscious of the cost, carbon footprint and other environmental impacts of the production and transportation of traditional print materials, I have chosen to supply all branding materials on a single A0 sheet of paper. Featuring my established gradient texture, print content ranging from an A1 poster down to an A8 business card all feature on this single sheet. Hoping to lower the environmental impacts of the design, my aim is that the end-user of this A0 “master” document could cut and finish all the branding materials in house, saving on the usual large quantity of packaging material for traditionally distributed branding products.

An interesting aspect of this approach is that as the A-format gets smaller, the gradient texture is further and further abstracted across each document as the pattern zooms in. Smaller products such as price lists and business cards are printed with a less detailed, softer texture, whilst larger content such as posters, show more of the gradient texture, creating cohesive brand experience across the media.

Furthermore I have also been interested in how the gradient might animate. Creating an installation akin to a lava-lamp effect, with slow, liquid-like movement, something which I believe aligns well with ohne’s ethos. I explored how my ohne colours could sit as part of a physical presence in a store, on a digital billboard, or as content for the web/social media.


April 28, 2023
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